
Syncing Your GK+ Meter with the Keto-Mojo App

Published: October 1, 2020

Mister Mojo here. Let’s talk about syncing your readings from your meter to your phone. First of all, download the app, either Android or Apple. On an Android phone, you need to do one extra thing, and that is make sure that you have location services on and storage permissions on in the in-app settings. Obviously, when you’re doing this, you will need to make sure Bluetooth is on for both types of devices. So, first, you’ve already got some readings on your meter. The first thing to do is switch it on like so. It will beep and you will see the Bluetooth icon flashing. Then we will go to our phone, go to our app, as it says, there are no readings right now. We’re going to go Sync device. It will look for the device, it will connect, it will download the readings, we have eight successful readings, and then you’re about to start your journey using your app. We will cover using your app in more detail in the next video.



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